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Introduction To Smart Washing Machines

As early as in the 1980s, Mark Weiser proposed the idea of Ubiquitous computing. That is, through the organic combination of computers and the surrounding environment, human beings can obtain and process information anytime and anywhere. In recent years, the concept of Ubiquitous computing has been emphasized once again with the maturity of computer technology and Internet of Things technology. As a household appliance, washing machine has become an indispensable and basic tool for daily life. The development of smart washing machine is an extension of the concept of pervasive computing in the field of home appliances. The author believes that the essence of intelligent washing machine is to use intelligent computing as the platform and washing machine as the carrier. The medium of user interaction with the washing machine, from the traditional washing machine knob, button, transition to the washing machine equipped with a touch operating system.

Smart  Washing Machines Bring A New Way Of User Experience

First, smart laundry machine has functions that traditional washing machines do not have. By implanting computer technology and microprocessors into the washing machine, it makes the washing machine have intelligent features: remote control laundry, data transmission and communication, intelligent fault detection, intelligent water and electricity saving, etc. For example, intelligent washing machine can save water and electricity by making the washing machine more convenient for the user to use. For example, intelligent washing machines provide users with the most reasonable laundry solutions by analyzing the material, weight and cleanliness of clothes; the use of neural network technology makes intelligent washing machines have the ability to learn and save operations for users by learning their laundry habits; the application of Internet of Things technology realizes information sharing between intelligent washing machines and other home appliances and intelligent products; the automatic fault monitoring function and water and power saving function save users' time. Power-saving features such as saving time, water and electricity for users.

Secondly, smart washing machines including smart top load washer and smart front load washer bring a new way of operation for users. Traditional washing machine interface using buttons and knobs hardware operation interaction, as the washing machine function more and more rich, the traditional hardware interface operation way has been unable to carry more information, more and more intelligent washing machine using pure software operation interface, instead of the past knob and button interaction way.

Finally, smart washing machine and dryer has changed the user laundry operation process. The intelligent control function of the smart washing machine makes it unnecessary for users to operate the washing machine indoors, and users can operate the washing machine from any location. At the same time, the washing machine can push a message to the user through the cell phone terminal in time after the laundry task is completed. Through the automatic detection function of intelligent products, the washing machine can detect laundry faults on its own, put forward a targeted simple fault repair program, and automatically get in touch with after-sales service.

Smart Washing Machines Become The Future Direction Of Development Of Washing Machines

Appliance intelligence

IBM in 2008 proposed the concept of "smart planet" and in 2009 was affirmed by the U.S. government. Intelligent and digital and networked together was identified as the future development trend and direction of society, and has become the focus of the developed countries of science and technology to develop national development strategies based on. Traditional home appliances are beginning to evolve into new smart home appliances - that is, smart home appliances based on networks (Internet of Things, sensor networks, etc.). Analysis points out that when the three networks convergence technology is mature, intelligence will be popular in all household appliances.

Washing machine from technology-driven products to user-driven products

At the early stage of development, washing machines are typical technology-driven products with high technical threshold, and the focus of washing machine manufacturers is to make them cleaner with the help of new technologies. Today, washing machine design and production has developed relatively mature, washing machine industry into the product homogeneity, marketing homogeneity, profit model homogeneity bottleneck period, at this time the user experience is highly emphasized.

Consumer's personalized demand experience

In the economic background, the development trend of consumer behavior is emotional, and their personalized needs are emphasized. Nowadays, users' requirements for washing machines do not only stay in meeting the basic laundry function, but also want to get material enjoyment and spiritual enjoyment at the same time. Intelligent washing machine design more humane, function closer to user needs, can bring the user a real simple and pleasant operating experience, and thus welcomed by consumers, intelligent washing machine is the future development direction of the washing machine.

The Double-Layer Attributes Of Smart Washing Machines

The essence of the research for the software user interface of smart washing machine is the concretization of the already widely developed touch operating system platform on the washing machine. Therefore, the smart washing machine has dual attributes: the washing machine and the smart touch operating platform. The smart washing machine software user interface should inherit the standard laundry operation process that has been developed for traditional washing machines, but also follow the universal design principles of user experience; the naturalness of interaction is the research goal: to let the washing machine adapt to the user, rather than the user adapting to the washing machine. Two ways to achieve the naturalness of interaction are to fully consider the user's usage context and to match the performance model of the interface with the user's psychological model, and to realize multi-channel interaction through technology application, so as to free the user's hands and bring unprecedented operation experience. Finally, we should also pay attention to the principle of "intelligence" moderation, so that users can fully enjoy the experience of operating the washing machine, rather than become a slave to intelligent washing machines.

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